Another day, another hustle for BTD drummer CS7. While trying to drum up some hype for his band down at the local IHOP, he is spotted by a passing spacecraft, whose crew is on a mission to prevent aliens like himself from interfering in the culture of a pre-warp civilization. When CS7 gets a shot at playing his CD for a major music mogul, the Zolg intervene.
Song: Fresh Ranch Dressing by Baboon Torture Division from their 2010 album, Background Music For A Party.
Album: https://baboontorturedivision.bandcamp.com/album/background-music-for-a-party
Video by Steve Biloba. Filmed on a Samsung Nexus 5 for around $100 November 2016 to September 2017. Thanks Elton Bong, RyWall, Dennis Tokarski, Dr. Saline Pockets. Starring the above, and the subdued community of New Westminster, British Columbia who inspired this madness.